Our Mission

 "The artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of."     - Leonardo Da Vinci

The Belativo mission is to share the story and work of artists with the world while trying to make it a better place. 

Often times artists will spend months, or even years on a single project. Of course, that motive will shine through on the day of the big reveal, but how often do people get to see the real work behind it all? Those moments are worth sharing, and give even more understanding and insight into the passion behind the finished work. 

Words make up a great story, but actions still speak louder. We give our artists the opportunity to see their work have a positive real world impact. Beyond a portion of all sales going to a charitable cause, there will be sponsored Belativo events and projects in correlation with our artists and partners. 


  • A portion of all sales are given directly to our charitable partners. We believe in doing our part to leave a positive footprint wherever we may roam. 
  • Our products are ethically made by our vendors. No child labor, no sweat shops, no unethical sourcing of materials. 
  • All vendors have to undergo an application process to ensure quality goods and a quality production process. (Please refer to our vendor page for more information on this).